Jane DeGray
Guardians of the Stones Time Travel Series, Books 1 and 2 Plus Time-Crossed Christmas
Time traveler, Ashley Duvall, falls through time to discover a life she never dreamed she would lead. Was it an accident or is this her true destiny?
Time-Crossed Love
Guardian of the Stones Time Travel Series, Book 1
Swept away from her school's archeology dig through a hole in time, Ashley Duvall finds herself in medieval England at Castle Hertford. Ashley and Lord Robert Spycer fall in love, but he is betrothed to the Lady Charissa who just happens to have fallen in love with Robert's brother Elric. Together, the lovers plot to solve their dilemma but are thwarted when Robert's father, the Earl of Hertford, decides Lady Ashley should marry the wicked Baron of Bedford, a man twice her age. Discovering women have no power in this ancient land, Ashley must use her 21st-century abilities to fight for her time-crossed lover before it is too late.
Time-Crossed Wedding
Guardian of the Stones Time Travel Series, Book 2
​Ashley, with Lord Robert in tow, returns to Texas and the 21st-century to say goodbye to her family and friends only to discover the British antiquities dealer Abasi is tracking the pair aiming to exploit their time-crossed travel for profit. Robert and Ashley, along with her mother and brother, are chased through the Texas hill country by Abasi's men when a Guardian stone rescues the family with an escape in time to 1863 Lawrence, Kansas. There, life-changing surprises await amidst Civil War border strife. Ashley and Robert must scramble to marry, escape the war, and get back to medieval Castle Hertford without getting caught by Abasi and his men.
Time-Crossed Christmas
Guardian of the Stones, Time Travel Romance
Before Lord William Lowther leaves to seek his fortune in India, he and Lady Caroline Wyckham declare their love for one another and exchange miniature portraits, each encased in a pocket watch. Two years later, William disappears from his post, and Lady Caro's father insists she choose a husband from among her suitors or he will choose for her. Olde Gylda has sent William, her new Guardian, to the American Civil War to learn medicine from mentor Rick Duvall. Now Rick has gone home and Gylda can't "see" William. A rescue is in order and Caro accidentally tags along. Over a journey spanning two continents, several disguises and multiple time periods, will these time-crossed lovers be reunited and back home in time for Christmas?